She got you DCEU - Wonder Woman Review | The Geekery
After many years of waiting, Wonder Woman finally hit the big screen and aside from that, DC gave us a movie that definitely stepped up their game.

Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) is about Diana, an Amazon Princess and her heroic journey with an Allied Spy, Steve Trevor (Chris Pine).
The movie opens in present-day Paris where Diana Prince, curator for the Louvre's Department of Antiquities, receives a World War I-era photographic plate couriered by Wayne Enterprises and recalls her past.
Young Diana dreams of becoming an Amazon warrior and how she insists to train rather than study, to which her mother and Amazon queen, Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen) disagrees the most. Hippolyta told her the story of the Amazons and their purpose to humankind. She also tells Diana that she needs not to worry of future invasion (hence the Amazon training) though Hippolyta's sister, General Antiope (Robin Wright), is still wary of the impending threat of Ares (David Thewlis). Things began to change when Steve accidentally crashes to the hidden island and told the amazons of the massive conflict that’s happening in the outside world. She tagged along with Steve in the outside world to stop a super weapon and her quest to end all wars which she believes caused by Ares, the God of War.
Gal Gadot got what it takes to be the Wonder Woman. She got the innocence on the things she doesn’t know and the aggressive, war-like feature at the same time. Her performance from Batman v Superman proved that she can handle action scenes and this film gave us more. She got the grace, power, and what makes her more likeable is her smile that will surely captivate anyone’s heart.
Chris Pine delivered this “above average” (his words in the movie) guy performance and his humor suited for his character. Back when rumors of Pine received an offer to portray Green Lantern or Steve Trevor, we’re happy that he chose to play as Steve because he nailed it.
The action choreography is definitely top notch and I noticed it had a lot of flips and spin moves that matches the slow motion effects – a Snyder trademark maybe. Visual effects played a great part especially in the last action scene and you will feel like it’s a video game. There were also scenes that are not quite necessary like the boat scene, but if you're in a cold cinema this is the best time to go for a bathroom break. There's also a scene during the battle in Themyscira that it looked like this particular amazon is qualified to join the survey corps
The story might have been inspired from the stories of William Moulton Marston in the 1940’s and George Perez stories during the 80’s. It also follows a bit of New 52 origins wherein Diana is the daughter of Zeus. I loved the ice cream scene referenced from Jim Lee’s New 52 Justice League. Although not exactly the same but she said the same thing “You should be very proud”.
Yes! You should be proud of this achievement DC! It's a 9/10 for The Geekery. Gal Gadot got this and we can't wait to see her once more this November in Justice League.

Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) is about Diana, an Amazon Princess and her heroic journey with an Allied Spy, Steve Trevor (Chris Pine).
The movie opens in present-day Paris where Diana Prince, curator for the Louvre's Department of Antiquities, receives a World War I-era photographic plate couriered by Wayne Enterprises and recalls her past.
Young Diana dreams of becoming an Amazon warrior and how she insists to train rather than study, to which her mother and Amazon queen, Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen) disagrees the most. Hippolyta told her the story of the Amazons and their purpose to humankind. She also tells Diana that she needs not to worry of future invasion (hence the Amazon training) though Hippolyta's sister, General Antiope (Robin Wright), is still wary of the impending threat of Ares (David Thewlis). Things began to change when Steve accidentally crashes to the hidden island and told the amazons of the massive conflict that’s happening in the outside world. She tagged along with Steve in the outside world to stop a super weapon and her quest to end all wars which she believes caused by Ares, the God of War.
Gal Gadot got what it takes to be the Wonder Woman. She got the innocence on the things she doesn’t know and the aggressive, war-like feature at the same time. Her performance from Batman v Superman proved that she can handle action scenes and this film gave us more. She got the grace, power, and what makes her more likeable is her smile that will surely captivate anyone’s heart.
Chris Pine delivered this “above average” (his words in the movie) guy performance and his humor suited for his character. Back when rumors of Pine received an offer to portray Green Lantern or Steve Trevor, we’re happy that he chose to play as Steve because he nailed it.
The action choreography is definitely top notch and I noticed it had a lot of flips and spin moves that matches the slow motion effects – a Snyder trademark maybe. Visual effects played a great part especially in the last action scene and you will feel like it’s a video game. There were also scenes that are not quite necessary like the boat scene, but if you're in a cold cinema this is the best time to go for a bathroom break. There's also a scene during the battle in Themyscira that it looked like this particular amazon is qualified to join the survey corps

The story might have been inspired from the stories of William Moulton Marston in the 1940’s and George Perez stories during the 80’s. It also follows a bit of New 52 origins wherein Diana is the daughter of Zeus. I loved the ice cream scene referenced from Jim Lee’s New 52 Justice League. Although not exactly the same but she said the same thing “You should be very proud”.
Yes! You should be proud of this achievement DC! It's a 9/10 for The Geekery. Gal Gadot got this and we can't wait to see her once more this November in Justice League.
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